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Sustainability - Our Vision

The OrchardWorld brand relies on the natural elements to allow us to grow our quality fruit, and growing quality fruit is our core aim.  Not always visible to consumers, there are many areas where we try to make a difference.  From recycling waste and creating energy, encouraging insects and wildlife to thrive and ensuring our packaging protects the fruit as well as the environment.

We have a clear vision to provide, protect and care for the community, look after our workers, the environment, our carbon footprint, health and safety and more besides.

As a business, the whole team is bought into the vision and working together towards a better future.  Alongside our business ethics, we aim to be a pillar of community achievement and inspire others.

Here, we will share with you our ever evolving vision and road map for our future.

If you want to find out more about our vision, then drop us a line and we would be happy to talk to you about it.

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